
Breaking: SEO Trade Secrets Revealed

Announcing A Digital Agency That Guarantees Results Or They Don’t Get Paid. seriously.

No, we haven’t lost our marbles. And yes, we put it in writing. Read
on to find out more about this truly limited offer…
Updated: 4rd of September, 2023

Dear business builder,

If you would like to get as many clients, customers and sales as your business could possibly handle…

Then this will be the most exciting message you’ll ever read.

Here’s why:

Let’s face it…You would have to be a zombie from the Walking Dead – for the above offer not to have your pulse racing, greed glands pumping…

And no doubt your inner sceptic screaming “what on earth is this all about?!!”

I mean what business owner, in their right mind, wouldn’t question a company making such a bold claim?

But don’t worry your pretty little mittens, because we’ve come with a mountain of credentials and a parade of proof to back it all up…

*grabs popcorn*

For starters, we’ve developed a unique ‘selling system’ which is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or heard about before…

(this is just one of the things that makes this all possible) and we’ve used it in over…

1067 Different IndustriesAnd Niches To Generate $7.8 Billion In Sales

And we’ve also used this selling system to…

Take a home building start-up from $0 to $7 million in 8 months flat!”(they hit their building insurance quota and couldn’t take on any more clients!)”

Transform a Pilates instructor training business, from barely breaking even at $200k in revenue… to a wildly successful business with $2 million in annual sales in 14 months.

Take a small father and son building business from $3 million to $50 million in sales in just 18 MONTHS!
Skyrocket the sales of an Aged Care provider from $4 million to $25 million in sales in 12 months flat! (This was all done with a basic 2-step funnel and one traffic source!)
Sell $51 million dollars’ worth of property in 8 WEEKS through one funnel! (This was for a client in a super-niche property market and took him from zero to hero within two months)
And so on…..Listen, we could easily fill up this entire page with hundreds of success stories like this…
Because we’ve used this ‘selling system’ in almost every
industry you can think of.
And we’ve worked with small businesses, all the way up to
multi-billion dollar brands to apply this “selling system”…

In other words, our “system” for selling is the hottest (and
highest converting) sales vehicle we’ve ever seen for…

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Generating A Torrential Downpour Of Customers That Flood Your Business!

And now, we’re truly making an offer which would be difficult for any sane business owner to refuse – to try it out risk-free!

Firstly, if you have an ad campaign on Google or Facebook, we’ll completely rewrite your ads.

Secondly, you won’t pay us a single cent of management fees in testing our ads against the ones you’re already running.

What this means is, if we fail (very unlikely) to beat your current campaigns, you won’t owe us a single red cent.

Think about it, if we don’t deliver the goods you pay…

NO set-up fees!

NO management fees!

NO copywriting fees!

NO design or development fees!

No unicorn catching fees! (had to check I still
have your attention)
In fact, you pay us nothing!

And guess what else?

If we do beat your current ad campaigns (highly likely) you’ll still not be out of any money…

Because every dollar you pay us will come from the EXTRA sales you wouldn’t have made unless we created our new campaign for you!

Why are we making such an offer?

Well, It’s very simple…

If you’re like most business owners you’ve likely tried almost every conceivable way to grow your business.

Some of it’s worked, but most of it hasn’t.

And at this point, you’ve probably been lied to, cheated by, stolen from, extorted and downright…

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Ripped Off By Filthy
Marketing Scum Bags!

Who sold you the world, and at best, delivered the moon.

I know you know the type…

These hipsters sitting around in front of white boards talkin’ about vegan cheese, thigh gaps and how many “impressions” your ads got….

(Uuurrgghh! Makes my blood boil just thinking about it)

Because in a world of coaches coaching coaches… Most digital marketers are like shady rug merchants.

So rather than spend our time and resources trying to convince you we’re different…

For a limited time we’ve decided to risk our own money to SHOW YOU we’re different.

Because, in our opinion, the profession of digital marketing has more incompetence per capita than any other profession. Period.

(Except for maybe solar companies and chiropractors)

Anyhoo, whether it was a digital marketing agency, an internal employee, business consultant or some almond latte drinking “marketing expert”….that has promised you results in the past…

But, when it was all said and done, simply left you with more excuses than they did results.

We have a saying that, “digital marketing is 80% confusion and 20% commission”. It’s sad, but mostly true.

And most business owners approach growing their business with digital marketing like…

Don’t Do This

Walking Across A Live Minefield Stark Naked And Blindfolded!

So how are we different from these armchair “experts” and theory peddlers who talk a good game but rarely deliver?

Well, firstly, we’re the only agency confident (or crazy) enough to actually guarantee results or we don’t get paid.

Secondly, we’re not some hack job company that was started day..

Nope, we’ve been in the game since 2014, which is like a five-thousand years online….

Not only that, we’ve been ranked as the #1 fastest growing digital agency in Australia for several years in a row.

And the 17th fastest growing company across all industries by the Australian Financial Review.

But more importantly, a bunch of our clients have also been ranked as the fastest-growing companies in their respective industries.

Look, our strategies are proven….

Battle-hardened by over $50+ million in ad spend in 1067 different industries and niches – and $7.8 billion in reported client revenue.

We’ve got this stuff down to a science.

A mathematical equation.

But we don’t expect you to take our word for it.


Let’s get down to the juicy proof pie we’ve been baking for the better half of a decade!…

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It’s stories like these that (almost) make our eyes sweat.

Okay, enough of that….

Let me answer the question that’s burning a hole in your head…

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How the hell Can We
Guarantee Results?

It’s very simple.

We’re willing and able to guarantee results because of our unique approach and ‘selling system’.

You see, most digital agencies are good at the “technical stuff”, but know nothing whatsoever about selling, especially in today’s new digital economy.

Everything we do at King Kong has one goal, to SELL!

Heck, we don’t get paid if we don’t.

(Can you hear that? That’s the sound of my accountant screaming in the wind!)

But come closer, listen…

We’ve engineered a new and unique “system” to sell almost anything, to any one, at any price point.

It’s a combination of “mind hijacking” persuasion techniques, world-class media buying and something we call the “attention-flywheel”.

The total combination makes for an unusually effective marketing system, that truly makes it possible for almost any business to sell like crazy!

But listen, lemme level with you for a moment…

Achieving predictable and consistent results online is never a result of…

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‘Magic Pixie Dust’ Sprinkled On ‘Crossed Fingers’ With A Dash Of ‘Hope And Pray For The Best’

It’s not about this…It’s about having a predictable and reliable “system” for selling.

And our “selling system” includes a war chest of proven strategies and tactics that most digital agencies don’t know even exist.

For example…

(Think about that. How would you like to increase your leads by 4X whilst reducing what you pay per lead by 375%!?) (Think about that. How would you like to increase your leads by 4X whilst reducing what you pay per lead by 375%!?)
We’ve discovered how to write Google and Facebook ads that use psychological triggers that “hijack” your prospect’s attention, practically forcing them to click and take action! (Not one digital agency or “expert” in a hundred even have a clue how to do this!)
We’ve discovered the secret “scroll stopping” strategy for Facebook Ads that siphons off more traffic for LESS money (Even the world’s most experienced Facebook marketers don’t fully understand how to do this)
We can tell you the biggest mistake made by businesses using Google Ads! (This mistake costs business owners and marketers a small fortune in lost profits and market share)
We can tell you the biggest mistake made by businesses using GoWe know how to uncover large new “starving crowds” of prospects in ANY market – who spend like sailors on leave (even when the economy is hurting and you’re far more expensive than the competition)
But that isn’t all, we also know how to…

Increase The Pulling Power Of Almost Any Ad By Up To 900%!

We’ve used this strategy in hundreds of the most hyper-competitive markets to outsell and dominate the most ferocious competitors.
We’ve discovered (from spending $30 million on ads) what you need to do to the ‘appearance’ of your ads on both Google and Facebook to skyrocket conversions (It’s the opposite to what most people have been told and could DRAMATICALLY increase your sales!)
We’ve developed a proven and predictable way to get highly-qualified prospects coming to you…  ONLY when they’re ready, willing and able to BUY! Forget the usual “digital marketing stuff” that leaves you or your sales team speaking with looky-loos and price shoppers)
We know a way to dramatically increase the quantity of ‘eager-to-buy’ leads that your ads generate… often while spending the same amount, if not less, on traffic! (not one in a hundred agencies even have a clue this is possible)
We know one small tweak you can make to your Google Ads   often while spending the same amount, if not less, on traffic! (not one in a hundred agencies even have a clue this is possible)
We know how to make a small ‘bidding adjustment’   change to increase your Google and Facebook Ads profits by 50%…even if…you don’t change a word of copy on your ads or landing pages!
We know how to…   you get the idea, don’t you? The point is, because of our deep experience in working in over 1067 different industries and niches, and generating our clients over $7.8 billion in sales…

We truly believe that…

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4.5 stars out of 383 reviews

Here's Some Gossip... Except It's Real

“The agency’s results-driven approach is very different to the one used by most marketing agencies. It is a scientific, numbers-driven way of winning business, which is giving King Kong an edge that other agencies may find difficult to compete with in the future.”

Warning: We reserve the right to revoke this offer at any time

We Can Beat Any Agency, Marketer Or Traffic Expert On Planet Earth Or You Won’t Pay Us A Single Cent!

Does this offer excite you? Interested in putting us to the test?

Hold on there, tiger…not so fast.

Gotta back up a little first.

Because this is not for everybody.

There are three important factors which must exist before you should even think about applying for this opportunity:


You must already be running ads on either Google or Facebook, and they must be running profitably. This opportunity isn’t for newbies or businesses that aren’t already advertising online. (If you want us to create a funnel and ads from scratch – you can see if you qualify here).


You must be willing to let us create ads we think will sell. Listen, since we’re doing this all on our own dime…Frankly, we don’t care what you, your business partner, your spouse, your friends or Snow White and the seven dwarfs think about our work.Except for checking the ads for your legal and factual approval – we’ll hold all creative control. Because, if an ad isn’t ours – we can’t guarantee its success.


You must not be selling anything even remotely shady, illegal, scammy, dangerous or in any way be involved in multi-level marketing. That’s it.success.

Does this opportunity interest you? Do you meet the above qualifications? If so, go here and book in a 30-minute strategy session with our team to see if we’d be a good fit.

P.S. Oh, well, hello there…need some more convincing huh?

Ok listen up chicken nugget, you could continue to work your arse off, round the clock, dealing with all this stress, hassle and uncertainty…Of constantly worrying about where your next client will come from…

Hit The domin Button already

P.S. Oh, well, hello there…need some more convincing huh?

Ok listen up chicken nugget, you could continue to work your arse off, round the clock, dealing with all this stress, hassle and uncertainty…Of constantly worrying about where your next client will come from…

Pulling your hair out and dealing with the never-ending shit storm of lying ad agencies, rising ad costs, unreliable staff members, poor conversion rates, and an income that’s a feast one month and famine the next.

Or you could click the link below, book a call in with my team and explore how to rapidly and radically grow the sales of your company in the next 6 months. Risk-free!

But a word of warning, when you pray for the rain, you have to deal with the mud. So you better have the infrastructure in your business to SCALE!

No, “oh can we pause the ads for a week”. Time to put your grown-up pants on, and SCALE.

Speak soon.

I guess what we’re trying to say is that you should hit the damn button